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Winter Wonderland

It's January, and I am back teaching during each weekday. The holidays were well spent: family time in Iowa, friends visiting in Wisconsin, a Badger Holiday Bowl win, Star Wars with my brother Derek, and family time in Wisconsin.

We came back from Iowa to a white winter wonderland. It's not overly cold, but it's quite white out during the daylight hours. The chickens do not seem to like the snow cover, and I can't blame them. Their access to greenery has been severely limited to a few windswept patches of grass sticking up through the thin layer of snow. We're filling their stomachs with their soy-free organic feed, and we're also doing what we can to vary their diet by bringing down our food scraps.

The snow, while irksome to the chickens, has been a consistent source of fun and entertainment for Sawyer and Cora. Sawyer has been sledding three times in the last week, and Cora has been fascinated with exploring snow. I'm sure the weather will get colder at times during January, February, and March, but for now, twenty degree temperatures are suiting us all just fine.

I hope January treats you well. I'll be planning, planning, planning. I'll be working on the website, planning seedling starts and gardens, sketching corral layouts, drawing up a plan for meat chicken dates, and refining my vision for the beautiful farm future that awaits us in due time. Be well, everyone!

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